February 14th, 2025 Happy Valentines Day!
Welcome to the UOttawaScotty website. Here you will find updates for upcomming shows, download links for all my original music, links to videos, some pictures, and basically the latest news on what going on.​​
Currently I am working hard in the studio to put the finishing touches on an album I'm working on. I suspect that this album will be ready to go at some point in 2025. In addition to this, I have made it my goal to play the first UOttawaScotty original show in 2025. The plan is to do 2 shows, one that will be at an actual venue, and another that will be online, via my YouTube channel, so that everyone can enjoy all over the globe.
Interviews is something that I am adding to my channel for 2025 and I have already done my first one, with many on the way. Actually, please check out my latest interview with 2 documentary film makers exploring topics related cult phenomena in the United States, and dealing specifically with a bogus pastor named Brother R.G. Stair. I will be focusing my efforts on topics of engineering and science, and will sprinkle some fun and controversial topics in there as well. Recently I have noticed an alarming uptick in stupidity amongst our general population, and I will be attacking that front pretty agressively; which will no doubt lead to some inflamatory conversations.
Lots planned for 2025 and really looking forward to it. Stay tuned !! Big Motorhomes, loud rock, cool vids ;)
February 14/15 10:15-1:45am , The Vaduras @ Mother McGuintys, Ottawa ON. TABLE 19 EVENT
February 20 9-1am UOttawaScotty Solo @ Deacon Broadies, Ottawa ON.
February 21/22 9:30-1:15am, The Vandura's @
Crazy Horse, Kanata On. TABLE 19 EVENT
February 22 4-7pm, Steamy Boots @ Mont Ste. Marie Ski Resort, Lac Ste. Marie, QC,
February 27 9-1:00am, Steamy Boots @ Chateau Lafeyette, Ottawa ON. TABLE 19 EVENT
February 28/March 1 9:30-1:15am, The Velocity's @ Crazy Horse, Kanata ON. TABLE 19 EVENT
March 7/8 10:15-1:45am, The Vanduras @ Mother Mcguintys, Ottawa ON, TABLE 19 EVENT
March 10th The Vanduras @ Canadian Tire Center, Ottawa Senators vs. Detroit Red Wings
March 20th 9-1am, UOttawaScotty Solo @ Deacon Broadies, Ottawa ON.
March 27 9-1am, Steamy Boots @ Chateau Lafayette, Ottawa ON.
March 28/29 9:30-1:15am, The Velocity's @
Crazy Horse, Kanata ON. TABLE 19 EVENT
April 3rd 9:00-1am UOttawaScotty @ Deacon Broadies, Ottawa ON
April 10 9-1am, Steamy Boots @ Heart and Crown Byward, Ottawa On.
April 11/12 10:15-1:45am, The Velocity's @ Mother Mcguintys, Ottawa ON. TABLE 19 EVENT
April 17 Steamy Bootts @ Berts Bar, Canadian Tire Center, Ottawa Senators vs. Carolina Hurricanes
April 18/19 10-1:30am, The Vanduras @ Heart and Crown Preston, Ottawa On. TABLE 19 EVENT
April 23 9-1am, UOttawaScotty @ Heart and Crown Byward.
April 25/26 9:30-1:15am, The Vanduras @ Crazy horse, Kanata ON. TABLE 19 EVENT